Thursday, February 23, 2012

Frotjzer : Project Management Template

          Finally, I made a more generalized version from G-Projer (which is intented to manage Game project easier). I made this one too since I have been facing a lot of assignments. Plus, making folder structure from scratch again will makes folder structure inconsistent for future if I face another assignment. That's why I try to make the template so I can make a more consistent template which I can use for future. This one also a modified version of G-Projer which I often used each time there is assignment to manage folder structure easier. So, I ended up with this template :D. 

          Frotjzer is a project management template. With this, managing a project will be easier. It is not an app actually, but just a template. The template is for managing project easier. You can modify again the structure to fit your needs of the structure.

Now, allow me to explain the main category of the structure.

1. [ProjectName] : This will be folder for storing the project files. Removes the '[' and ']'
2. Concept : useful for storing information and image regarding concept of the project
3. Resource : This is for storing the resource for the game but not used yet.
4. Request : This is for requesting something related to project from someone (i.e.: Doing the graphic, finding resource, etc.)
5. Reference : This is for tutorial, competition page, and any related kind.

Now, you can download Frotjzer here:
- Dropbox
Dropbox (You can check its structure online here)
- GitHub
- GitHub (You can check its structure online here)

Okay, that's all I can say. Thank you for reading ^^!

G-Project : Game Project Management Template

          Wow, it's been a while. I realized I haven't created the duplicated post of this into this post since the other is in Virulife blog which is posted before Viruappcookies not appeared yet. Oh well, better late than never :p. I also will post the more general version soon after this one.

          G-Projer is a project management template for game. It makes easier and consistent to manage the project of a game. G-Projer size is small since the inside is just .txt files for hint/readme/other and folders for categorizing.

          I did a private research on my own long ago. The project is for making a better management for game project. Why I did this? Because each time when I made a game, the content is often get mixed makes me dizzy for focus for different categories.

          With the G-Projer I made, I can separate the different categories into different folder. Not only that, I use it as template of my project. So, the category will keep consistent.

Some screenshot:

The category of G-Projer is:

1. [gameProject] : This will be folder for storing the main project of the game.
2. GDD (Game Design Document), useful for storing text and image file related to GDD and concept.
3. Resource : This is for storing the resource for the game but not used yet.
4. Request : This is for listing and storing the files you need
5. Reference : This is for tutorial, competition page, and any related kind.

Here is the link download the G-Projer (size = 11 KB):

via ifile
via Mediafire

This may be not good yet, but I will try to keep improving it in the other time.
Feel free to give credit if you use my G-Projer ;).
If you have any suggestion or question, feel free to comment in this post. I might implement some of the suggestion.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Auto-Sudoku Application

          Several days ago, I made an application called Auto-Sudoku for the assignment of Algorithm Strategy course. I used C++ for making the application. This Sudoku application is for solving the Sudoku input from a file. Brute Force algorithm must be used in that assignment to solve the Sudoku. It took around 2 days for me to make it. Not only that, there was some bug that need to be fixed. There reason why I posted the finished application is because rather not used for long time or never after finished, I chose to publish and share it with the world.

          Now, for the solution, I first take an input from the file, then scan whether the number in the slot can be changed. After that, I check per slot whether there is same number in the above, below, left, or right and whether the number in the slot break the 3x3 sudoku rules. After that, the printing is executed to display the solved sudoku.

          You can freely use this application and the source code. Be sure to include me in credit if used on your project. 

Screenshot (Solved Sudoku) :

Download :

Download Source Code at Virucodesoup page

Monday, October 10, 2011

Viruappcokies Is born!

Viruappcokies is born!
This blog shall be a gallery of applications and games which is completely or partly made by me.
Havefun using them =).